
Solutions for dental medicine.




Medical uses affect people directly – quality and safety are the first priority here. We at Kopp Schleiftechnik specialise in producing tools for dental technology. The tools will later be used directly in micro-machining - precision, quality and material compatibility are therefore important attributes for their manufacture.

Dentistry is a sensitive issue - with our conscientiousness, accuracy and quality control, we want to do our part to ensure that the treatments are carried out properly.

Trust also in the dental tools from Kopp Schleiftechnik – please contact us for a non-binding consultation.

Our smallest items
do great things!

Unsere Kleinsten bewirken Großes!



What can we do for you?

Mr Kopp is available to answer any questions. Or arrange an appointment here with us in Winterkasten at your convenience. We'll be happy to show you the entire production process and also find a good solution for your special requirements. We look forward to meeting you!


Your contact person
Achim Kopp


Tel: +49 (0) 62 55 / 95 95 -101
